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Then there was the day I went to the Post Office to get a P.O. Box. Standard fair, right? Well, the kind lady at the counter handed me a slip of paper with my new box number on it. 666.

Me: "Ah, do I have to have this number?"
Counter: "We just hand them out in order..."
Me: "Oh..."

As a Christian, the irony wasn't lost on me. But I figured not too many people will forget my address, and I have had some fun with it.

Some time later, I got what the phone company called a "vanity" phone number (something ending with a double zero). I didn't have it for a week before I started getting all sorts of wrong numbers.

Apparently, this number was once that of a local hardware store. It wasn't so bad that it was changed, but I later found out that the number was still printed on their receipts! "Oh joy!" I thought. "Now I'll be getting dozens of calls a week for people looking for fertilizer and buckets!" So, I got their phone number and called only to be answered by a FAX machine! (I wondered what their customers thought of that!) So, I sent them a FAX. Because of the time it took the calls to stop, I think they kept using the old receipts until they ran out. Oh well.

At one time, I was getting so many wrong numbers, I was asking the people what number they dialed, keeping a list. I collected over ten wrong numbers. It seemed like a lot. Of course the most interesting one was the lady who thought I was Donald. Maybe I sounded like him. When you are calling your boy friend at 10 PM and someone answers (I am of a distinctly different race, I might add), "Pinrod Corporation, this is Kurt. May I help you?" you'd think they'd figure it out. She only called about four or five times...