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How Does This Suit Fit?

There was the day I got a visit from a delivery service. It was an interesting delivery: Legal papers. The company was being accused of having placed one of those huge dumpsters used for debre when a house is being remodled. Pinrod is a technology company. We do software. Just how in the world did they even find us?! I made a call to the lawyer on the paper...

Me: "Ah, about these papers..."
Lawyer: "Yes, my client hit your dumpster. It was placed on the street."
Me: "Ah, I write computer software..."
Lawyer: "You don't have anything to do with XYZ electric?"
Me: "Who?"
Lawyer: "XYZ electiric. They are part of the remodeling company doing some work at [an address about 4 miles from my office]."
Me: "No. We don't own any electric companies. We write software. Ah, how did you get our name?"
Lawyer: "I did a reverse search on the phone number from the building permit"
Me: "Building permit..."
Lawyer: "It has 284-9500. I did a reversse search. The Pinrod Corporation came up, I did a lookup and got your address."
Me: "I see... We don't know anything about the electric company. We write computer programs..."
Lawyer: "Oh. It must have been a mistake then..."

It took about three weeks to get the paperwork from them. I was greatful they guy believed me!