xFile Icon Manager Help Page Special Introductory Price! $10.99!! Download Now! Normal Usage Selecting/Highlighting Images Because xIcon views images, which can be very large, the number of images viewed at once is limited (this makes the program run faster). This also gives you another way to select images. First, you can "highlight" images currently displayed on the screen. xIcon uses "standard" windows actions for this: Control-Click selects/deselects an image, Shift-Click selects from the last icon you clicked on to the one you're clicking on. Highlighted records only stay highlighted while that particular page of images is displayed. What subset of images will be affected by any action you choose depends on which record you are currently highlighting: A record that is neither selected or highlighted operates on just the selected record. If the record is part of a selection (may span other image display pages), it will affect the entire selection. If it is a record that is highlighted with other records on that particular display page, only those records will be affected. Root Directory xIcon will saves your last root directory search and should display it at the end of title bar text. You can easily change the root directory by pressing the "Select Directory" button and navigating to the desired location. The options in this part of the screen are: - Do Not Cascade Directories: xIcon will normally search the selected root directory (folder) and all directories beneath it. By selecting this option, xIcon will only search the root directory.
- Extract Icons From Files: xIcon will look at each executable (EXE) or DLL file and display any embedded icons. Note: At this time, this operation is time consuming and, if there are many EXE or DLL files, can considerably expand the scanning time.
- Include Various File Types: Normally xIcon is only looking for icon files (files with the .ICO extension). By selecting the different files, it will include the requested files. Note: Because these types of files can be large and because xIcon will have to read each file, selecting many large files can slow the displaying of the images.
Search Files Once you are satisfied with both the root directory and file selection, press the ""Perform Search" button and xIcon will search for and display the requested images. Once the images are shown, three areas of information are displayed: - The number of images that were found.
- The number of images that are available (this number changes with other options on the screen).
- The current page number being displayed.
Paging The next section (center top) gives you paging control. Either previous/next page or enter a page number and "Jump" to that page. For convenience, after a search or filter operation, the number is "pre-filled" with the maximum page number. Filter The third section (center below the paging section) is the filter section. It allows you to display a "subset" of all the images scanned. This looks at whether the filter string you have entered is within the file name. Usually this is the only the name, unless you select other parts of the full file path. The different parts of the full path are explained as follows: If an icon path (sometimes called a "fully qualified path) is: Then the "parts" are... - Drive Letter "C:"
- File Path is "\icons\People\"
- File Name is "Jim Smith 002
- File Extension is ".ico"
If your search string is "ico" and you haven't selected any options, this image will not be displayed. If you selected either the Path or the Extension, it will be displayed because "ico" is contained in each of those full path components. NOTE: Currently, icons extracted from files are not included in the filter result since individually extracted icons do not have a unique name. Find Identical Files This looks for files which are identical to each other, but do not necessarily have the same name. This can be very useful if you are trying to prune down your icon collection or determine which icons you have used in multiple projects. Note: Currently, icons extracted from files and files in excess of 30,000 are not included in the filter. This keeps scanning times faster. Reset From Subset This effectively "clears" any filtering you may have applied and redisplays the images. Hover Over Image When you move your mouse over a displayed image, the blue status bar will display the image location. Righ-Click On Image When you right-click on an image, several menu options will be presented: Copy full icon path (x:\yyy\zzz\some.ico) to the clipboard Copy icon path (x:\yyy\zzz\) to the clipboard Set destination folder (current: x:\new\) Copy icon (xxxx) to destination (x:\new\) Copy selected (5) to destination (x:\new\) Move icon (xxxx) to destination (x:\new\) Move selected (5) to destination (x:\new\) Rename icon (xxx) Delete icon (xxx) Delete selected (5)
First you will note that these will only be available to paid subscribers. Also, these will be implemented in version 01.00.00. "C:\Someplace\SomeFolder" is the last destination folder you selected. These menu options allow you to copy, move, rename or delete one or more icons. Price xFile icon manager introductory price is $10.99. This give you upgrade privileges to version 01.00.00 and 1 year's maintenance. After version 01.00.00, the price will be $24.95. Click Here To Purchase the xFile Icon Manager Now! |